Be a graceful break-up artist
If your relationship is going nowhere, here are tips for calling it off like a gentleman
Breaking up with your partner is never easy, even if you are the one initiating it. However, rather than dragging your feet in a dead end relationship, the right thing to do is to be a gentleman and be upfront about it. If handled in a sensitive manner, the damage can be minimised. After all, your girlfriend may not be the 'one', but that's no excuse to be a jerk and waltz...
Be a graceful break-up artist
If your relationship is going nowhere, here are tips for calling it off like a gentleman
Breaking up with your partner is never easy, even if you are the one initiating it. However, rather than dragging your feet in a dead end relationship, the right thing to do is to be a gentleman and be upfront about it. If handled in a sensitive manner, the damage can be minimised. After all, your girlfriend may not be the 'one', but that's no excuse to be a jerk and waltz...
Be a graceful break-up artist